Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Slaves Of A Free World

I have searched high and low for the reasoning of life. I have asked myself why is one man worth so much more than another? I have questioned why people choose a government that will always be corrupt, and never truly represent the wants of the people? I have questioned the relationship between religion and science. I have also questioned why I have to work every fu**ing day just to pay my bills and end up with no money. Im just full of questions huh. LOL. The fact is I'm tired of a world where it is almost impossible to succede and make a change, unless your already well off financially (was fed the golden spoon, gave someone a blowjob, or just old as fu*k). As far as life I think we are just meant to be here on earth to multiply as in people and resources. I believe we are the key to making life a possibility for eternity. Why is one man worth so much more than another? Well I believe this is because of the corrupt corporations. The fact is we all should recieve a fair salary to live off of and raise a family with. So why in the hell do we have some CEO making 20 million dollar bonuses per year, and a guy that works at the grocery store making less than 20 thousand per year. Thats a big fuckin difference. Of course I believe the harder the work the more the salary, but for fu*k sakes there needs to be a median for all people to live a good life if they are willing to work 40 plus hours per week. We have these corrupt corporations that corrupt governments around the world. How is this? Well all these big time corporations seem to have fuc*king lobbyist whom they pay good money to get legislation passed in their favor everytime. They cram shit down the peoples throats and tell us we need this and need that, when the truth is we need less of them fu*kers and less government influence in our daily lives. I'm just so sick and tired of others telling me what I can and cant do. I know this blog is all over the place but it's my first one. I just want to write how I feel about the world around me and hope others may feel the same as I do. I want a fu*kin revolution. I want the people just for once not to follow what the news media and other biased outlets tell them on the fu*kin TV. Would it not be great for once if America could pick a president that was'nt old and already rich. Someone like me or you the general population who lives average lives, and know what it is like to be the mass of the population. Someone who has morals and is not easily corrupted because the people are more important to him/her than monetary gains. I really do feel like a slave in the free world at times. I mean all of us live day to day to work just to survive. There are three ways to enslave people, buy them off, go to war and conquer them, or just put them in debt. Look at where we are today people we are all in fu*kin debt.

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