Monday, October 12, 2009

Hillary Clinton says she wont run for president again

Yeah big news, I know who gives a rat's ass right lol. Good maybe some of the other dumb politicians will follow suit and get the fu*k out of politics. It's the same people and the same BS every time we go elect these dickheads. It has come to the point where I dont give a flying fu*k who is elected and who is not. Really they all fu*king blow and the only people that can really make a change don't get the votes (a.k.a Ron Paul). It is sad really we have no control on who gets elected, besides the faces that are put out there in the spotlight. All of these candidates are predetermined before you and I even know of them. I'd like to see the day when we as a nation elect a third party!! F*ck the Republicans and the Democrats, lets just pick someone not associated with either party. I love America for what it is supposed to stand for, but I hate it at the same time, because the only people that run the country are people who got where they are by fu*king the little people. A whole lot of liars and crooks America and we all know it but really what the fu*k can we do about it. The corporations have everything on lock-down. In conclusion, thank you Hillary for realizing you suck balls or is that Monica? Either way the nation will be better off without a corrupted woman such as yourself leading the nation.

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with you on all points!!! We as a people need to stand up and be heard, but that will nevr happen as most of the general public are too zombified with the media and tv to do anything. Just what they wanted. As far as Clinton goes, man, I for one am so glad she will NOT run. Just waht we need in office.... a women who will take shit from a man!!!! Or anyone for that matter. Hell she let her husband run all over her by the whole Monica thing which personally I didn't care, but I would of left his ass and taking him to the cleaners, how is someone like that supposed to run our country????
